The central focus of any synagogue is its sanctuary. We have a wonderful versatile sanctuary.
In the front of the sanctuary is the bimah with the Aron Kodesh (Ark). Above the bimah is our own unique Ner Tamid (Eternal Light). Our commissioned stained glass conveys the Etz Chaim (Tree of Life) and Menorah theme throughout the room.
The seats can be configured in a variety of ways. Our movable wall allows us to expand our seating capacity for High Holy Day services and other events.

We try to offer a mixture of services that we hope appeal to people of various backgrounds. We frequently offer family-friendly worship as well as serious time for prayer and reflection.
Our services are egalitarian and we welcome participation from everyone. We encourage members to lead services as well. At times during the year, our Religious School students lead. Mishkan T\’filah, the Reform siddur we use, is fully transliterated.