Judaism is a wonderful way…
to journey through life. Its chief characteristic is its balance between the spiritual and the practical, as it occurs both in the heart and the mind. Of course, participating in Judaism can be challenging because the practice of Judaism requires learning a second language and the body of ritual and observance is large. Therefore, it takes time and effort to obtain a “command” of the religion. Helping families become more comfortable learning and practicing Judaism is a goal of the religious school. From our K4 class through Confirmation, the school offers Judaic and Hebrew instruction, Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring, observance of all holidays, participation in Friday night services and many opportunities for students and parents to participate in tzedakah (charity), gemilut hasadim (acts of love and kindness) and tikun olam (repairing the world). After Confirmation, which includes a service that the students write and lead, they are encouraged to stay on as classroom aides and teachers.
Parent engagement…
is important in every school. Everything that happens in our school program is the result of staff, students and parents collaborating. We have an active and engaged Youth Education Committee (YEC). The YEC supports the school program by doing everyting large and small to help make each experience for the students more meaningful and more fun!

One of our goals…
for the school is to connect the students and parents to the larger Jewish world. Being a small congregation with families who frequently are the only Jewish family in their children’s schools, we recognize the importance of having the students see themselves as part of Klal Yisroel (the entire Jewish people). These connections are several: field trips and Shabbaton with other religious schools; midweek Hebrew education and online Hebrew learning; author visits and inviting Milwaukee’s shaliach (emissary) to drop in; Skyping with our partner school in Israel and sponsoring summer camp scholarships.

CEEW provides…
an accepting and accessible Jewish experience for our families. We are very fortunate to have a Board of Trustees, Education Director, Spiritual Leader, teachers and parents who support our school and see the value of educating our children.
“From all my teachers I grew wise.”
psalm 119