CEEW Sisterhood Sponsored Program Women in non-Traditional Careers: “Women in the Law: Shattering the Glass Ceiling”
Continuing our programming on Women in non-Traditional careers, this year’s program on October 22, 2019 will feature, The Honorable Rebecca Dallet, the newest female member of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Justice Rebecca Dallet will discuss the terrain that women face in the legal profession, including the decline of women in every aspect of the legal profession within a few years of graduating from law school, the lack of women partners and leaders in the legal profession and finally her vision on how to improve gender diversity and female leadership in the law profession.
Elected in April of 2018, Dallet is the sixth female justice to serve on the court, the highest percentage of female justices in the nation. Prior to her election, Dallet served as President of the Milwaukee Trial Judges Association and Secretary of the Association of Women Lawyers. Dallet also served one year as the first female presiding court commissioner in Milwaukee County history, a state prosecutor and a circuit court judge. Justice Dallet who is Jewish, is married with three children.
A light dinner will be served at 6:00pm prior to the program for paid up CEEW Sisterhood members ONLY. The program will be held in the CEEW Sanctuary starting at 7:00 pm. Justice Dallet\’s presentation is open to the entire community.
RSVPs to ceew_sisterhood@yahoo.com are required for both the dinner and the program by October 15, 2019.