Frequently Asked Questions
How many members do you presently have?
Our congregation currently has approximately 70 member units.
What are the synagogue’s expectations of its members?
We are committed to provide a diverse program of activities that strives to touch every area of Jewish life. And it is our hope that our members will become partners in creating a congregation that will truly be a storehouse of the Jewish spirit and a sacred community.
By meeting new people and participating in activities at the synagogue, we hope the congregation will become your extended family – a family in which people are willing to be there for one another, to celebrate happy occasions and share in difficult times: to study together, worship together and to create memories for our children so powerful that they will seek to pass them on from generation to generation. We want to foster a sense of connectedness that all our members will truly experience.
What is the usual time for Shabbat services?
Friday night services begin at 7:00 p.m. almost every week. The rare exceptions will be announced far in advance.
Are children welcome at Shabbat and holiday services?
Absolutely! Full family participation in all services and synagogue events is encouraged.
I am Jewish, but my partner is not. How will we fit in at Coongregation Emanu-El of Waukesha?
You are not alone. Many of our congregants are interfaith families who participate fully in all synagogue activities. The siddur (prayer book) offers transliteration for all prayers and we recite many of our prayers in English. Non-Jewish family members can share in services in a meaningful way. Most importantly: our Spiritual Leader is always available to assist in making every family’s experience at CEEW as meaningful as possible.
Do you have a nursery school program? Do you have a summer camp?
We do not have a nursery school program. We are located a short drive from the first URJ camp OSRUI in Oconomowoc and many of young people have attended there. Others have gone to the Milwaukee Jewish Community Center camps.
Do I have to be a member to enroll my child in Religious School?
Synagogue membership is required.
When does study for B’ Mitzvah begin?
The foundation for B’ Mitzvah preparation is built throughout your child’s religious education. We strive to help our students become familiar with the basics of Jewish history, tradition, values, and Hebrew by the time they are ready to become B’ Mitzvah. Individualized instruction begins approximately a year before the B’ Mitzvah date. In addition, one-on-one meetings with Cantor Levson begin approximately three months before the date. We involve family as much as possible in order to make the process a true journey of self-discovery, rather than simply a religious service and rite of passage.
Does the synagogue offer adult education opportunities?
The synagogue offers a vast array of adult education opportunities as well as workshops and classes designed to meet the needs of all congregants.
How do we arrange for a tour of the building and get more information about the synagogue?
Please call the office at (262) 547-7180 or email to communications@waukeshatemple.org. We would be delighted to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have.
How do I obtain schedules and additional information about services, holiday celebrations and other events and programs?
Our monthly and weekly emails, include calendar of upcoming events and information regarding Shabbat services and other programs and activities. We also invite you to keep checking our website calendar for the most current information about the activities in our synagogue community.
Does the synagogue sell cemetery plots to members?
CEEW does not have its own cemetery. Members can elect to use any of the Jewish or non-denominational cemeteries in the area.
Do we need passes to attend the High Holy Day services?
Yes. Members receive passes for their families prior to Rosh Hashanah. Additional passes may be purchased for relatives who are not members of a synagogue. Space permitting, guests may be invited to join us for select High Holy Day services. Guest fees can be applied to membership.
What will my annual dues be?
Our dues are set by vote of the membership at our Annual Meeting in June each year. We will never turn someone away based solely on money.