Intergenerational Programs for 5782


Simchat Torah

Chanukah Fun Day November 21

Tu B'shvat
January 16

Sunday March 13

Yom HaShoah
Sunday May 1

Yom Ha'atzmaut
Sunday May 8
Continuing Programs

Midrash Class
Cantor Levson’s continuing Midrash class is held at CEEW most Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Everyone is invited to participate. Class topics vary from Bible Study, Book Discussion, Current Events and many other themes. Please check the calendar on the website for the updated schedule and contact Cantor Levson for more information.

Book Club
The book club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm at members’ homes or in the synagogue. Contact Barb Zacher at for this year’s book selections and more information.
Friday Night Special Shabbat Service and Program
Enjoy a shortened Shabbat Service followed by a Program and/or Speaker along with an Oneg. Programs will be announced in Blasts and the Bulletin during the year.