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ONLINE ONLY: Cantor Martin-led service
April 10, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Have your candles, wine and matzoh ready beforehand if you want to participate from home.
Here is the link to join via Zoom:https://zoom.us/j/686704770?pw…
Meeting ID: 686 704 770 Password: 4ZiBue
Or dial in — 1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 686 704 770 Password: 078143
Log on a few minutes early. The Zoom meeting will be locked after the service starts.
Please email Cantor Martin(spiritualleader@waukeshatemple.org) or communications@waukeshatemple.org to let us know you plan to attend. Only recognized names will be allowed in to the service.
Have your candles, wine and matzoh ready beforehand if you want to participate from home.
Here is the link to join via Zoom:https://zoom.us/j/686704770?pw…
Meeting ID: 686 704 770
Password: 4ZiBue
Or dial in — 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 686 704 770
Password: 078143
Log on a few minutes early. The Zoom meeting will be locked after the service starts.
Please email Cantor Martin(spiritualleader@waukeshatemple.org) or communications@waukeshatemple.org to let us know you plan to attend. Only recognized names will be allowed in to the service.